The HēLē Rewards Program is a unique loyalty and rewards program designed to encourage consumers to shop at participating area businesses, while providing meaningful Rewards to cardholders. Consumers earn Rewards on purchases made at participating businesses, which may later be spent at the same businesses, or any business participating in the program.
Yep, glad you asked. HēLē is a Norwegian word, pronounced “hee-lee”, and it means “all-over”.
HēLē Rewards Cards are typically distributed via fundraisers by area schools, charities, and other organizations. Cards may be sold by athletic departments, PTO’s, PTA’s, churches, etc, with the fundraising group earning a lion’s share of the selling price. We also try to keep a small extra inventory of cards for each fundraiser, which may be sold here on our website (after the organization has completed their sale).
We have several ways…
1) Look for the HēLē Rewards sticker in the window or at the point of sale at area businesses.
2) Check-out the business directory on our website, here at
3) Look for our HēLē Rewards Mobile App soon, in both Apple iOS and Android Google Play versions.
4) Ask an area business, “Do you honor the HēLē Card?” If your favorite business doesn’t honor the card, encourage them to contact us, and we’ll get them signed up.
Businesses are added to the network quite regularly. When a new business joins the program, we’ll add them to the directory on our website, in our mobile apps, and we’ll mention them via social media. So be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter, so you can keep up with announcements and happenings in the HēLē Rewards Network.
NOTE: Be sure to register your card, as we’ll also mention new business signings in our regular email newsletter.
Just shop at a participating HēLē Rewards business. When you pay for your purchase, do so with your regular payment method… check, cash, credit card, etc. At the same time, present your HēLē Rewards Card and tell them you want to earn your Rewards. The business will swipe or scan your HēLē Card, and LOAD your card with their specific Reward %. This is very similar to how many big-box retailers and grocery stores handle their in-house loyalty card programs… pay for your purchase and present your card at the same time.
For example, a restaurant may offer a 10% Reward to HēLē cardholders. If your tab at the restaurant is $32, then you’ll earn $3.20 in Rewards ($32 x 10%), which will be LOADED to your card. You might also shop at a furniture store which offers a 3% Reward. If your bill at the furniture store is $1,500, then you’ll earn 3% of that, which is $45.00, and that amount will also be loaded to your card. Just keep shopping at businesses that honor the HēLē Rewards Card, and keep adding Rewards to your card. Any time you’d like, you can SPEND the Rewards at any participating business, as well.
Once you’ve accrued Rewards on your HēLē Card, you can go into any participating HēLē Network business and SPEND the Rewards that are on your card. When you check-out at the business, just present your HēLē Rewards Card and say “I want to pay with my card”. The business will then scan or swipe your HēLē Card and deduct the amount of your transaction from the card.
NOTE: If you’re not sure how much you have on your HēLē Rewards Card, just ask the business to check your balance. Or, you can check the balance on your card on your own, on our website ( or via our Apple iOS mobile app or Android mobile app.
That’s easy… just go to any business in the HēLē Rewards Network and ask them to check the balance on your card. Or, you can check the balance on your own, at our website ( or via our Apple iOS mobile app or Android mobile app.
Yes, this is called a “split tender”. This usually happens if your purchase amount exceeds the balance on your card. Example: You’re at a business location and your bill is $80, but you only have $30 in Rewards available on your HēLē Rewards Card. You can pay the $30 with your HēLē Card, then pay the remaining $50 balance however you wish.
Your card should have the disclaimer on it that says “Card Expires 12 months after First Use”. Here’s that that means: Once you use the card to earn a Reward, register your card, or check your card's balance, or redeem (spend) a Reward, you’ll then have 12 months from that date to EARN more Rewards. At the end of those 12 months, the card cannot be used to EARN Rewards any longer.
HOWEVER, don’t discard your card after those 12 months, as you’ll still be able to redeem (spend) any Rewards you already have on the card, for another 36 months after that. So the ability to EARN Rewards expires 12 months after you first use the card, but your ability to SPEND Rewards from the card, lives on for another 36 months after you're no longer allow to EARN Rewards.
NOTE: Rewards on a card are forfeited upon 36 months after the expiration of the card's ability to EARN Rewards. When you register your card online or check your balance online, you should see these two, defined, expiration dates.
Sorry, but we don’t really have a way to replace a lost card. As such, please treat your card just as you would cash. The HēLē Rewards Card, nor Rewards loaded on a card, may not be transferred to anyone else, or to any other card.
You definitely should register your card. Doing so will enable us to send even more offers from area businesses to you. We have some exciting BOGO (Buy One Get One Free) and 2-for-1 offers that will be sent out via email and text message only. We also send out a regular email newsletter, that includes program announcements and a list of new business signings. Register your card, and stay in the know.
NOTE: Here’s another great reason to register your card… we’ll send you a message when the same fundraiser announces the sale of their HēLē Rewards Card next year. And guess what? If you have Rewards loaded to your card, you can pay for next year’s card with the funds on this year’s card. That’s kind of like getting a free card!
Register Your Card HERE
Yes. You can register additional cards by logging in to your registered account and proceed to the ADD CARDS page. You may want to show your support for more than one fundraising group (such as 2 schools) by buying a card from more than one.
Yes, but we try to make them very reasonable, logical, and fair. We do not want to be like a frequent flyer program, where you have all those miles, but you can only use them at certain times, such as when the moon is blue and only between 2 and 4pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. But to be fair to participating businesses, they are allowed to impose the following restrictions, at their discretion:
-Your HēLē Rewards Card must be presented at the time of your purchase. Please be fair, and don’t ask a
business to give you the Reward on a purchase after the fact.
– Rewards may not apply to sales tax. The business may provide you with your respective Reward % on the
taxable sale only, not including sales tax.
– HēLē Rewards may not be earned when combining it with another offer, special, or promo (such as
combining it with a coupon, a close-out price, while using another rewards card, etc.)
– Business location may reserve the right to exclude certain items. Such as, a restaurant may provide the
Rewards % on a meal, but exclude alcohol. Or a boutique may exclude a certain line of jewelry, or an
automobile dealer may provide a Reward % on parts & service but not on the purchase of an automobile, etc.
– Business locations reserve the right to restrict the card’s use to one time per day, and/or one time per day per
NOTE: While we cannot guarantee accuracy or omissions, we will always try to clearly disclose and display any restriction that a business may have, in their respective listing in our online directory. We work hard to signup businesses to participate in the program, and we encourage you to appreciate and respect any reasonable restriction that a participating business may have. However, if you encounter a situation that you believe is not fair, please let us know by submitting a ticket on our Support page, or by sending us an email to
Yes, depending on the business location’s return policy, as those policies do not change with the use of a HēLē Rewards Card. You will need to submit your Reward receipt and your HēLē Rewards Card when returning an item for full credit. If a return takes place after funds have already been redeemed, you will be entitled only to full store credit or, at the merchant’s option, to a refund of your purchase amount less the Reward paid by the merchant. However, this is subject to the store return policy. If the HēLē Rewards Card and the Reward receipt are not produced, only a store credit may be provided.
In an effort to be fair to all parties, we have the following considerations when dealing with an auto dealer:
To be fair to the HēLē cardholder, feel free to withhold the fact that you have a HēLē Rewards Card, until after you’ve made your best deal.
To be fair to the auto dealer, we ask that you present the card before you depart with your purchase and/or immediately after you’ve made your best deal.
What we don’t want is for a cardholder to get home with their new car purchase, show their car purchase off to a friend, and then their friend say “hey, you should’ve used my HēLē Rewards Card when you bought the car. Go back to the dealership, tell them you forgot to use your card earlier, and we’ll split the reward.” Simply put, that’s not fair to anyone.
As you may know, auto dealers hardly ever participate in a “% off” program. We think the idea of an auto dealer giving a 1% Reward to HēLē cardholders is a wonderful thing. As such, we ask and expect everyone to be fair when using the card for an automobile purchase. After all, it’s a great way to earn a big Reward added to your HēLē card.
According to market research, the average used car price is about $20,000, and the average new car price is about $33,000. If you shop at a dealer who offers HēLē Rewards cardholders a 1% Reward, you could have $200 to $300 instantly loaded to your card. Then, you can go spend that at ANY business in the HēLē Network.
NOTE: Most HēLē car dealers have a maximum Reward of $300.00 (three hundred dollars).
First of all, ask them to participate in the program. Feel free to present your HēLē Rewards Card at their location, and ask them if they honor it, or tell them you’d like to spend funds already loaded on it. They’ll very likely show greater interest if they have customers asking about it.
Also, feel free to send us a message, asking us to contact them. You can do this by filling out our contact form on Contact Us page, or by submitting a ticket on our Support page, or by sending us an email at
We’re familiar with those programs, and we’re very different. First of all, who wants to carry one of those big coupon books around? Instead, you can simply carry your HēLē Rewards Card in your wallet or purse, and receive Rewards at lots of area businesses.
Have you been to a local restaurant and were greeted with a sign that said “Sorry, effective immediately, we no longer honor the blah blah coupon book”? The usual reason for this is books like that often print well in advance, or they sign a business up and then auto-renew them for an additional year, not giving the business an opportunity to decline participation in the book. And of course, once the book is printed, it’s printed. So the business then puts a sign up that says they don’t honor the coupon book any longer. We actually saw this very recently in the local market, and the restaurant had signs posted on their front door, at the hostess stand, on several walls in the dining room, and a couple in the bar. This may give you an indication of how well a coupon book program works for businesses.
As for those fundraiser discount cards you may see occasionally, when’s the last time you actually used one of these and received something meaningful? First of all, the merchants are usually listed in a very small font on the back of the card… usually 10 to 20 businesses. Additionally, several months after you bought the card, one or two of the businesses may have closed, thus diminishing the value of the card (this happens with a coupon book as well). Quite often, the offers on the back of one of these cards are quite remedial… “buy a platter and receive an upgrade from a small fry to a large fry”. The typical fundraiser discount cards require the businesses to discount their product or service, thus devaluing it, and creating the customer’s expectation that they should always receive a discount. So customers that use it don’t really feel rewarded at all.
In the end, fundraiser discount cards work for a couple parties, but not necessarily for the business or the cardholder. The program works well for the agent or company that sells the cards to the school, and it works for the school, as they both make money by selling the cards. But consumers don’t use the cards much, for the reasons already stated.